Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The best post of the blog EVER ;)

So, I am going to vainly attempt to beat mollie's blogging, but I just got ahold of my mother via skype. This could turn into a two-part blog since I am not that gifted at doing two things at once. Starting where Miss Mollie left off - Mondays are an unofficial official German museum holiday and therefore myself and definitely Eric and Mollie were dretfully disappointed that we couldnt spend the 8 hour tourist day (aka our work day) in as many museums as possible. On the way to our failed museum visit atttempt (The Modern Art Gallery), we did happen to learn one of the funniest tidbits of knowledge I have heard during our trip. There are these very pretty pink pipes with very pretty purple structure supports underneath that circle all around the city about 20 feet in the air that carry...wait for it....wait for it...the citys sewage, yep, literally crap. haha I think I had a five minute laugh over it. Maybe you will get lucky and have a five second laugh.

Anyways, mollie filled you in on the rest of monday. Today (Tuesday), we slept in!!!! Excitement all around from us :D Mollie very nicely went and got breakfast so that her elder sister could enjoy a bit more of a sleep in. Our chosen plan for the day was to visit Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial. The tour left at 11 am, and we arrived at the destination at 12 pm. We had an excellent tour guide (who actually worked for the same tour company as the others, but this was not a 'free' tour) who guided us around the camp. We took the same route as the prisoners who were sent there -- same train, same walking path, same arrival gate. It was interesting because the path to the camp was right smack dab in the middle of a residential area and the tour guide said the town was situated the same way back in the 30's and 40's. The camp was actually the first permanent concentration camp (not work camp, death camp), it had over 200,000 prisoners over the 9 years it operated with 53,000 prisoners being murdered there, mostly by gunshot, some gassings and a lot of exhaustion deaths. The camp was originally made for the German communists political criminals but eventually housed jews, eastern european undesirables, homosexuals, and gypsies. At the end of tour, our guide informed us that this camp was especially meaningful for himself as he is 100% German and his fathers side was in the SS and his mothers side were prisoners in the camp.

Afterwards, we ventured back to the hostel, where I managed to take a nap aka pass out for about three hours. The other two were doing other important things aka eating and reading. I also managed to get some 'football' watching in. Maybe, Ill start to understand it by the end of the trip.

Tomorrow morning, we take off for Praha (Prague) where will will be staying for three nights. Some of the highlights are the castles, historical religious sites, and the beer gardens. In that order.


  1. Great post. It felt as if I was in Germany while reading it ;)

  2. Amanda that was a pretty good Blog...but I think Mollie has a lot more practice. You run the show for a while and we will vote on who is the best blogger.
